Sunday, October 31, 2010

More Women Have a Long Life

In everyday life, we often ask why most of the women aged longer than men?. Sometimes we answer it through a rational speculation and religious approach, by arguing that women are born so that the offspring of women are more likely to have the body that is more stable and robust when compared with men. Well maybe I'll try to share why the women much longer service life. 

As quoted from Scientific American, that according to Professor Tom Kirkwood of Newcastle University in England say, genetically female body has cells that are better in trying to make improvements for the delivery of healthy offspring. Kirkwood also said that the bodies of men are biologically impressed disposable therefore die sooner than women. 

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Adjusting The Diet to Health

At present time so quickly once in motion and we were always required to fast activity. The impact becomes chaotic eating patterns, let alone to have to think of sports like time is not sufficient. 

Eating is important in human life so people can feel hungry and need food, as a result of instant foods is the fastest and best solution at this time. 

In its development, many food industry to provide solutions by delivering fast food. With the fact that food is easily processed to have high taste, comfortable and durable, so food manufacturers also utilize additional food ranging from a preservative, flavor enhancer, dye or various other types. 
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Fried Potatoes Cause Cancer

At fast food restaurants food menu that we usually encounter is french fries. Food is so familiar in our daily life, intensive activity makes it all has to be instant. But who would have thought that ordinary French fries served at fast food restaurants are harmful to health. 

Based on the results of research conducted by scientists from the University of LEED UK, found that intake of French fries contains Acrylamide, a substance that has the potential carcinogens that lead to cancer. 
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Whole Grain Effectively Lose Belly Fat

Raw foods this one has a privilege to lose weight effectively expel fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Based on research conducted by the Human Nutrition Researcher Center on Aging (USDA), involving 2834 men and women aged 32-83 years. Found that people who eat whole Cereal more than 2 times a day had less abdominal fat than people who eat more Cereal milling. On whole-grain foods, whole grains, ranging from the outer seed / bran, endosperm, and germ used.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Burnout Syndrome, When Saturated In The Works


Burnout is a kind of stress, boredom or frustration that may cause you to feel tired, irritable and pain throughout the body. This syndrome tends to drain power reserves of mental and physical.As a result not only threatened his career, but also your personal relationships with others. 

According to Faye Crosby, professor of psychology at Smith College in Northampton, burnout happens because you do not want to try many things and variation is a fundamental human need and a good way to prevent burnout. 

Workplace, your activities tend to be based on a schedule, everything done by the deadline and for a particular purpose.Furthermore, other causes of burnout is perfectionism, and attitudes set impossible goals affordable. 
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Watching Television Impacted on Child Psychology

In a study conducted on more than 1000 children aged between 10 to 11 years, found that those who watch television and in front of a computer screen for more than 2 hours per day will experience psychological problems.

Psychological problems are found is the difficulty establishing friendships, difficult to empathize with friends and reported feeling unhappy. The research itself is done with a device called an accelerometer, yaiitu a tool to measure the activity of a child every 10 seconds when he was awake for 7 days.

Furthermore, the child is asked to tell how long they watch television or use computers. They were also asked to answer questions such as how often they are not happy, messy mood, want to cry or lonely. The answer of the respondents are combined to obtain the overall value that indicates whether each child has a significant problem.
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